О задачах государственного управления профилактикой и тушением пожаров в высотных отелях во Вьетнаме

Issues raised in state management of fire prevention and fighting for high-rise hotels in Vietnam

Аннотация: Интенсивное развитие туризма ведёт к увеличению количества высотных отелей во Вьетнаме. Однако государственное управление профилактикой и тушению пожаров в высотных отелях ограничено. Проведён анализ задач и основных направлений повышения эффективности государственного управления профилактикой и тушением пожаров для данного типа объектов.

Ключевые слова: state management, high-rise hotels, fire prevention and fighting.

Автор:Оргкомитет С Б |



In recent years, the demand for tourism is increasing, especially in famous tourist destinations. To meet the relaxation needs of tourists, localities, groups and individuals have built many high-rise tourism buildings. The development of high-rise hotels in Vietnam has made an important contribution to socio-economic development, thereby contributing to serving the national construction that the Party and State have set out.

According to the statistics of the National Administration of Tourism, by the end of 2019, there are 466 high-rise hotels in Vietnam, including 171 5-star hotels and 295 4-star hotels. With the number of floors 9 or more, these hotels have met the accommodation needs of tourists. However, besides the outstanding advantages of high-rise hotels, buildings, there are still many limited issues of fire prevention, fighting, and rescue that need to be paid attention and focused on in these buildings. In history, we have witnessed many fires, explosions, collapses of high-rise buildings and hotels, causing particularly serious consequences for people and property, which are considered disasters of humanity. In the world, a typical fire at 23-floor hotel MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, USA on November 21, 1980 killed 85 people. The fire at the "Russia" hotel in Russia on February 25, 1977 killed 42 people and injured 52. In Vietnam, there have been a number of fires at the hotel such as: The fire at Sao Mai Plaza Hotel (Hai Phong city) on March 17, 2019 killed 01 person; the fire at the Cong Doan Thanh Da hotel (Ho Chi Minh city) killed 01 person and injured 1 person.

It is a fact that as high-rise hotels grows more and more and the services accompanying it more and more, the potential danger of fire and explosion will increase. Because, at present, high-rise hotels still have many shortcomings, violations of regulations on fire prevention and fighting.

Faced with that situation, performing the assigned functions and tasks, the authorities have synchronously implemented state management measures for fire prevention and fighting for high-rise hotels, thereby, the state management of FPF has achieved positive results. In addition to the achievements, the practice of state management of fire prevention and fighting for high-rise hotels in Vietnam in recent years still has many limitations, such as: (1) The advisory, proposal to promulgate, the direction and implementation of legal regulations on fire prevention and fighting is still delayed; (2) basic investigation at high-rise hotels is incomplete, does not meet professional requirements; (3) the inspection and handling of violations of regulations on fire prevention and fighting, organization of on-spot fire prevention and fighting forces,... still has many shortcomings and limitations; (4) High-rise hotel owners and their staff are not aware of their responsibilities and obligations in fire prevention and fighting activities; (5) On-site fire prevention and fighting forces and means are not capable of extinguishing the fire from the very beginning,...

In the coming time, before the requirements of the industrialization and modernization of the country, the state management of fire prevention and fighting will be increasingly important and must be raised in effectiveness [1]. Especially, since implementing Project 106 of the Ministry of Public Security on continuing to arrange the apparatus of the Ministry of Public Security to be more streamlined and to operate more effectively and perfecting the organizational model of the Police force for fire prevention and fighting and rescue. The state management of fire prevention and fighting for high-rise hotels poses more pressing problems than ever. Therefore, the research on state management of fire prevention and fighting for high-rise hotels in Vietnam serving as a foundation for building a solid theoretical basis and in accordance with the law, with the organizational structure of the People's Public Security Forces in the new stage is very necessary and urgent.


1. Government (2014), Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP dated July 31st, 2014 by the Government with regard to regulating specifically the enforcement of some articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and Law on amending and supplementing some articles of the 2013 Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting, Hanoi.