Спасательные средства во Вьетнаме и направления их развития

Rescue equipment and vehicles in Vietnam and development orientation

Аннотация: Спасательные средства являются боевым оружием противопожарной и спасательной службы. Однако существующие средства не в полной мере выполняют свои функции при проведении спасательных работ из-за наличия многих ограничений в их разработке, производстве и использовании. Следовательно, на инвестиции и оснащение аварийно-спасательным оборудованием и транспортными средствами служб следует обратить внимание и они должны иметь четкую ориентацию на развитие.

Ключевые слова: спасение, спасательные средства, противопожарная служба.

Автор:Оргкомитет С Б |

According to the report of the Government of Vietnam, in the period 2014-2019, our country's socio-economic situation continued to maintain its growth momentum, the average GDP growth rate reached 6.55%/year; the process of industrialization and modernization is developing day by day, fields such as industry and construction still maintain a fairly high growth rate of 8.79%, the number of construction works increases from 30,000 to 50,000 projects/year. There are more and more industrial parks, production and business establishments that have fire and explosion hazards, with an average annual increase of over 15,000 establishments [4]. In addition, the situation of accidents, incidents, fires and explosions has been complicated and increased in both the number of cases and the level of damage. There have been an average of 17,562 traffic accidents each year, causing 8,870 deaths and 16,734 injuries; 3,287 fires occurred, causing 87 deaths and 206 injuries; It is estimated that 3,600 cases of injury occurred, killing 80 people per day. Facing that reality requires specialized forces and vehicles to undertake the rescue work to promptly troubleshoot to minimize the possible damage.

On August 17, 2012, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1110/QD-TTg approving the master plan for the basic system of the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force until 2020 and vision to 2030. Accordingly, the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police force is invested not only in building the organization of the force , but also in equiping the force with fire apparatuses.

According to the report of the Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue, in the period 2014-2018, the total investment cost for the work of fire prevention, fighting and rescue is about 8,341 billion VND, allocated for investment in equiping fire apparatuses, construction of barracks and for other categories. In which, the central budget accounts for about 32.9%, the local budget accounts for about 64.6%. As of 2019, the entire force has been equipped with: 3,369 motor vehicles of all kinds, including 2,236 vehicles with 160 fire ladder trucks, 131 rescue vehicles, 742 specialized vehicles, 1203 fire trucks, 211 fire boats and canoes; 922 fire pumps; 42 fire and rescue motorcycles; in addition, the force has been using 16,996 fire-fighting suits, 4014 insulation suits, 2736 gas masks, 362 hydraulic demolition kits, 120 smoke blowers, 159 concrete cutting machines, 22 victim detection cameras, 311 diving equipment sets, 99 chemical handling equipment sets, 74 escape tubes, 264 life-saving air cushions, etc. [5]

In addition, as of 2019, the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police force has presided over and coordinated with units under the Ministry of Public Security to accelerate implementation and prepare projects to develop logistic and technical potentials for the work, combat and building of the Fire Prvention and Fighting police force such as: The project "Investing in strengthening the potential of vehicles, equipment for search and rescue and fire prevention, fighting for the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police force; the project "Improving the capacity of fire prevention, fighting and rescue for the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police force for the period 2016-2020"; the project "Investment in fire and rescue equipment for the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force, using ODA funds of the Government of Finland", etc.

However, because the funding source from the local budget is not evenly distributed, the number of equipment and vehicles in localities is also uneven, concentrated mainly in some big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City ... On the other hand, due to being equipped for a long time, many vehicles have deteriorated. Some are still in operation but only at average level and must be regularly overhauled and repaired; the vehicles still lack a lot in quantity and types compared to the requirements of the rescue missions, along with that, the management, preservation, maintenance and use of vehicles in the combat unit arose many limitations and shortcomings ... leading to low effectiveness in the rescue work.

It is forecasted that in the following years, the number of projects, construction works, vehicles of transport, demand for energy, gas, chemicals, etc. will continue to increase; The speed of urbanization leads to an increase in population, population density in urban centers, big cities will continue to be factors affecting rescue work; Climate change and non-traditional security risks will be factors that make the situation of accidents, incidents, fires and explosions more and more complicated; the Fourth Industrial Revolution is creating a lot of materials and producing products with complex fire and explosion hazard properties, architectural works on a larger scale, bringing more difficulties in the rescue work when an accident or incident occurs. Therefore, the investment and equipment of rescue vehicles for the Fire prevention and Fighting Police force should be clearly oriented according to the following basic contents:

Continue to advise the Government to promulgate the plan to implement Resolution No. 99/2019/QH14 of the National Assembly on continuing to improve and raise the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of policies and laws on Fire Prevention and Fighting; in which researching and supplementing the content, specifying the responsibilities of the local People's Committees in investing in the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force located in their areas in the Decree draft to replace the Decree No. 79/2014/ND-CP in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and the Law on State Budget to increase investment in the work of fire prevention and fighting and rescue.

Well organize research, forecast and grasp the development trend of fire and rescue technical equipment; develop plans and projects with a strategic vision so as not to be outdated in comparison with the world, such as: The project "Equipping fire fighting and rescue suits for the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police force"; the project "Investing in equipment to ensure safety for firefighters, rescuers in smoke, toxic gas environment and in service of fire fighting and rescue"; the project "Providing fire and rescue equipment for the Vietnam Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force, using ODA funds", etc.

Continue to promote research to complete the organizational model, management apparatus and complete the document system for the management of technical equipments in the new situation. Organizational model, functions and tasks of departments, divisions, teams should be public, transparent, appropriate and clear, easy to access and promote two-way interaction between regulatory agencies and managed objects. In the management model, it is necessary to research to establish expert groups at each level on the basis of selecting excellent domestic and foreign scientists, managers, officials with a lot of experience to join consultation for the Government and the Ministry of Public Security in order to make decisions on investment and development policies, and to select appropriate technology and equipment.

Increasing comprehensive investment for the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force to meet the task requirements; attach importance to developing the network of Fire Prevention and Fighting Police units in key areas in accordance with the new organizational apparatus of the Ministry of Public Security. Quickly complete and put the Incident Response and Command Center in all three areas into operation. These centers are managed and operated by the Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue on the basis of shared data connections of related industries, especially the transportation industry. Provide public services to the people, especially intelligent technical maps, suveillance camera systems, rescue plans of the facilities.

Applying the achievements of the Industrial revolution 4.0 in the research of fire and rescue technical equipment such as: manufacturing automatic robots to replace humans to perform reconnaissance, fire fighting and rescue tasks in difficult and complex conditions; Applying IoT to create intelligent fire alarm systems, new generation communication equipment capable of early fire warning; Creating digital maps with artificial intelligence to assess traffic density, traffic flow, road conditions to choose the best route to where an accident or incident occurs; Manufacturing safety surveillance systems for firefighters and rescuers while on duty: location surveillance, heart rate monitoring, measurement of toxic gas concentration.


1. Ministry of Public Security, Circular No. 60/2015/TT-BCA dated November 9, 2015 regulating on standards and norms of equipment for fire prevention, fighting and rescue for the Fire Prevention and Fighting, Hanoi, 2015.

2. Government, Decree No. 83/2017/ND-CP dated July 18, 2017 regulating on the rescue work of the Fire Prevention and Fighting force. Hanoi, 2017.

3. Government, Decree No.79/2014/ND-CP dated July 31, 2014 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on fire prevention and fighting. Hanoi, 2014

4. Government, Report on implementation of the legal policies on fire prevention and fighting for the period 2014-2018 Hanoi, 2018.

5. Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue, Equipment statistics of the Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue Police force. Hanoi, 2019.